Tuesday, January 18, 2011

islampolicy: Blackwater neo-crusaders sent to protect Western .

A Palestine group led by Mahmood Abbas, who is considered by the West asa "president of the Palestinian Authority", has invited to the areaunder its hold on the Western Bank of the River Jordan a notoriousgang of mercenary killers Blackwater.

The Hamas Movement said that the show of the American mercenarygroup Blackwater in the occupied West Bank pursues twogoals: maintaining the occupation status-quo and training Abbas' hitsquads so that they get more sadistic.

The HAMAS statement said that Palestine cannot be the field of activityof this pack of neo-crusaders who committed terrible crimes in Iraqand Afghanistan by killing thousands of peaceful Muslims.

The permission by the PA to leave the mercenaries to operate inPalestine is regarded by the HAMAS as a new political defeat of theAbbasites and an insult of the respect and dignity of the Palestinianpeople.It is to be mentioned thereupon that, according to an American opposition paper The Nation,the US armed gang, the "individual security firm Blackwater", which iswidely used by the US army and the CIA against Muslims in Afghanistan,Pakistan and Iraq, received a project to murder Muslims throughout theworld.

This has been testified under the oath before a federal court inVirginia by other employees of this constitution and a former USmarine.

After that, the U.S government even proclaimed a formal investigationinto the activities of the Blackwater "for murder or complicity inmurder of other employees of this organization, U.S citizens, by itsleader.

The witnesses said that the leader of the Blackwater, Erik Prince,"views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslimsand the Muslim faith on the world" and that the Prince's companies"encouraged the end of Iraqi life"

In their testimony to the court, they stated:

"Prince intentionally deployed in Iraq certain men who divided his visionof Christian supremacy, knowing and wanting these men to take everyavailable opportunity to murder Iraqis.

Many of these men used call signs based on the Knights of the Templar, who fought the Crusades (against Palestine - KC).

Going to Iraq to take and kill Iraqis was viewed as a fun or game".

It is to be recalled that on June 10, 2009, Pakistani Taliban destroyedthe base of Blackwater terrorists in Peshawar in a martyrdom operation.The terrorists' base was placed in a luxurious five-star hotel.

Dependent mainstream Western press lied, as usual, that "terrorists killed innocent civilians and UN employees".

Department of Monitoring Kavkaz Center

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