Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Charlton vs Mighty MLJ: Team-Up Tuesdays: Crusaders at Red Circle

Around the same timeframe that Americomics Special came out from that publisher, debuting the Sentinels of Justice for their one-time official team-up, Red Circle dug up their heroic properties for another go-around. Only this time, they were good about it.

Highlighting the same characters, more-or-less, that graced the pages of the pilot series in the mid-60's, the Mighty Crusaders were now a power to be reckoned with.

complete with their own recurring adversaries in the work of Eterno and their arch-foe the Brain Emperor.

crusadersteam Charlton vs Mighty MLJ: Team-Up Tuesdays: Crusaders at Red Circle
The Mighty Crusaders towed the contrast between edgy and kid-friendly in their coming to crime. And they came furnished with the franchise player (Fly), energy-weilder (Lancelot Strong), flying powerhouse (Jaguar), urban avenger (Web), female member (Fly-Girl) and living legend (the Shield). All filled in their niches nicely.

And the dispute betwixt them and the Sentinels was they were their world's greatest heroes. Now Captain Atom definitely would characterize as one of his, but Nightshade, Blue Beetle and the Question? Not so much. With Atom wearing the multiple hats of franchise player/flying powerhouse/living legend, the rest pretty much over compensated on the urban avenger front (with token female thrown in for full measure). Not like Charlton had many others to take those shoes. the original Blue Beetle had not returned yet (but would soon after),Son of Vulcan was no longer relevant, and Judomaster was stuck in World War II with no way out (until the Crisis time-shifted him to the present).

Next week we'll dissect two more attempts at reviving the Sentinels for a more jaded 1990'sreadership, and whether they raised the back of second-string superheroesas had their Mighty counterpartat Archie.

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