Sunday, November 14, 2010

girl nutkin in the BA: picking up some PARSley and pausing for .

(this situation started with the use of being a real-time-ish, snarky-bit of the annual ritual of self-proclaiming one's fabulousness. however, as i was stream-of-consciousness writing, i am now pausing it until continuing after this even because of defined . a bet on the word (by andy) before this morning's farmers market routine.

it is not only about the actual green stuff used for recipes but also about the figurative-ish green stuff (i.

. money).

  1. (noun from merriam-webster): a European biennial herb (Petroselinum crispum) of the carrot family widely grown for its finely dissected curly or flat leaves which are used as an herb or garnish; also: the leaves;
  2. (noun from entrepreneur): (my attribution of the "figurative parsley") An analysis of an employee's work habits undertaken at a set order in time to see the degree to which stated objectives and expectations have been reached;
  3. (noun from andy): an annual cubeopolis ritual of face and tell;
  4. (verb from girlnutkin): the act of planned procrastination to work for an annual cubeopolis ritual of show and tell.
PARSley or just PARS . it is a simple acronym for performance appraisal review system - the end of the year thumbs-up or thumbs-down appearance and tell dance in cubeopolis. (remind yourself from the performance reviews fiber break in late october)however, this morn, i have renamed it as people are really servants - lemme explain y'all.real-time PARSley-ing .i will blog as i PARSley, so I can at least stay focused and finish(!).while watching mass navigate the farmers market crowd and smilingpolitely at mass in the coffee house, i spent the dawn and am spendingthis afternoon at the wi-fi coffee house prepping my pars - a series ofpaper work exercises - a self-assessment, a purpose for my professionaldevelopment, and my transmittal cover memo.sunday morning thing . i usually stroll the farmers market in campbell (or sometimes palo alto, oakland, or wherever) to purchase produce and flowers, to people come and listen, and maybe to pick up more food-stuff at whole foods down the street. this morning's campbell jaunt had an added touch. as andy reminded me early this morning via text - PARSley. (i have been remiss. so here's how i am parsley-ing out my time . time stamp START: 10:37 AM
  • ~2 hours spent making relatively minor revisions to the one-page declaration of next year's career goals and objectives (aka updating my professional development plan)
    • and an added ~1 hour sprinkled-in catching up on facebook, security blogkets, twitter, and new and old/vintage music
    time stamp END: ~ 1:16 PM
  • ~1 hours spent composing 1 of 6 parts of my multi-page declaration of fabulousness and of kick-ass-i-am-the-shiznit
    • ~30 hour sprinkled-in catching up on more facebook, listening to all things sade, and reading tweets
    time stamp END: ~2:30 PM
... and so i came across the real sad news of my friend's husband, who died this afternoon a couple of hours ago.
PARSley is on hold for now.

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