Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Crusaders wanted: Apply here!

crusader1An Anonymous commenter said I wrote near the dis-honour killing of Katya Koren in rank to promote my agenda. I could feel his very dismissive tone. Many Anonymous folks write to me, usually with a death threat. At least this Anonymous writer only impugned my character.

Actually, it is true that I wrote the office about Katya to promote my agenda.

I have written many posts on dis-honour killing because I desire to break this barbaric Islamic practice and thereby, end it. Arab Jews and Christians do not defeat their wives, sisters, and daughters. Neither do Pakistani Jews and Christians, nor Egyptian Copts. It is a Muslim practice and it is halal, required Muslim practice.

Islam is invading the West with the aid of Saudi dollars and willing libtard media talking heads and politically correct politicians and educational elitists. We are out gunned right now but we can fight back.

Sign the request to abolish honour killing. Muslims think their code is righteous. Each signature of a cultivated person introduces doubt some that code. Actually, my agenda goes beyond ending dis-honour killing, I need to end Islam, the philosophy of Satan.

Learn the account of Mohamed. Until recently Muslims found no motive to traverse the stories of Mohamed found in the hadiths which are anecdotes about Mohamed from Muslim eyewitnesses as recorded by Muslims. In other words, this tells the earth what Muslims are proud of in their leader. Read nearly the Battle of the Trench. Or near his wedding to pre-schooler Aisha. Mohamed, being a true gentleman, did not complete the union until she was 9 lunar years-old. About 8 years 9 months by the civilized calendar. Now, these stories make many Muslims defensive, some even denying the accuracy of stories accepted as true by Islamic scholars for over thousand years!

Read the Koran. Yes, it is broken and contradictory but still a casual reading will suit you to joke at the claims that Islam is a Religion of Peace! Early peaceful verses are abrogated by later war-like ones. That`s a theological rule for Islamic apologetics! A simple Koran, abridged of repeating and re-ordered chronologically, is available from Bill Warner at Political I, unfortunately, will not get a delegation from any sales.

Write your local newspapers when they publish stories about moderate Islamism and moderate Muslims. Ask why the Book has an entire chapter on dividing war booty. Ask why Allah commands Muslims to lie to non-Muslims.

Work to kill any politician who aids Islam. Attend meetings and ask these politicians to explain what percentage of Mohammedanism they would wish to see implemented in American life. If you are called a racist, ask your attacker, What race is a Muslim?

Send a connection to a Book to the movers and shakers in your area. Koran-O-rama. Send one to those you love, too. It will awaken them up, if they say it.

What are you release to order your grandkids when they ask what you did to defeat Islam? Get off your tuchas and connect the Fight against the philosophy of evil!

It is Near Midnight in the West! Get to work.

Dissenting opinions welcome. Keep the death threats credible, please.

The disarray of the Koran and Islam starts at the source-Allah!

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